grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Plotting My Next Big Garden Move: Kitchen Garden Expansion

Now that  few months have passed since finishing all my outdoor projects (pergola, patio), I'm really itching to do something amazing in my garden, again. 

In my effort to be more like the Dervaes or at least get a little closer to Urban Homesteading, I've decided to significantly expand my kitchen gardens.  Here's my kitchen garden history

  • 2007 chose a big awkward spot just beyond the patio (AKA big pile of rubble) and threw down weed cloth over the area (around 8 x 10).  Things grew great, the weed control was awesome and despite the ugly factor, the location was prime for sunlight and maintenance.
  • 2008 built 2 4 x 4 raised beds which I used as temporary leaf compost holders over the winter.  I like that they are contained and raised but the weed control was non-existent and plants are not thriving like they should due to the over-crowding.

For 2009 I'd like to build more raised beds using cedar this time (GB, you were right!) and a more of them!  I'd also like to be able to place a short cute fence around the kitchen garden area to keep the bastard rabbits out. 

I'll be removing a big section of my backyard for this expansion.  I'm not exactly sure of the dimensions yet but I'd like it to accommodate a minimum of (4) 4 x 4 raised beds a maximum of (6) 4 x 8 beds.  I'd also like to have narrow raised beds around the interior perimeter that I could fill with strawberries and a place in the back for my rain barrel and a 2-3 bin compost system.

I have an official plan drawn by Pie Guy (remember he did the official pergola plan, too) which I'd love to share with you but my stupid scanner is broken. 

I'd love to get this done in time to plant garlic.  Anybody know when's the latest I can plant garlic in zone 5?

More to come on the urban homestead project.  GB, call me! 


  1. oh this is so exciting!!!! I'd go bigger, if I had any more possible sunny space to use... Sometimes I consider tree-a-cide cuz I actually do have lots of space but its all shady... damn trees. No, I like the trees, really. HOwever, I might remove some roses next spring to make more room for edibles.

    I dunno about garlic but I look forward to reading the answer when someone else posts it. lol! Although I haven't even ordered garlic and Seeds of Change was out last time I looked so maybe I've misse dthe boat. Where are you getting your garlic from?

  2. Wow, you have some really ambitious plans for your garden! I envy that! I would just be happy with one more 4x4 raised bed and one smaller 2x4 bed for my smaller veggies (lettuce, carrots, etc).

  3. I put up a short fence this year to stop rabbits too and it worked just great and doesn't look half bad. I got 3 foot(?) wide green vinyl coated fence in a 50' roll. Squares are just smaller than the size of your fist. I then picked up enough of the small T shaped green fence posts to stake the fence every couple feet. Starting on one side of the "door" I ran the fencing around the garden. Where the one side of the fence meets the staked first piece of fence, I curlled up the end and ran a bambo like stick through the end. I can now pull up the stick, swing the gate inward, and poke it into the ground. Making a very simple and cheap door to the garden.

    Last year I purchased garlic from Seeds of Change on September 14th

  4. Gina, you are a working go girl! I LOVE my kitchen garden. Having vegetable and herbs just steps from the kitchen is wonderful!
    Instead of digging up your lawn you should consider "Lasagna Gardening" for making your beds. Check your library for a book with that title.

  5. Go bigger! You are ready for it. I'm looking forward to seeing your updates on your progress.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  6. I now have a small herb planter in my kitchen window, thanks to my mom. So, in honor of that... I say go huge. I want to see corn, peppers - sunflowers if possible. I love those.

    And I'm impressed you still have the drawing. I'm trying to remember what we decided on.
