grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Planned Garden Adventures for 2010

I usually start thinking about giant garden projects fairly far in advance. Truthfully, I have a long list of gardening crap I want to do and the crap I don't finish just gets moved to next year's list. And even though these projects usually cause a lot of stress and anxiety for me, when they're done, I always love it. Nearly every day on my walk from my garage to my back door, I look around and think Wow! I can't believe I did all this! I can't believe how this place looked 3 years ago. Besides improving my garden, these projects also give me something to write about. And I hope they help people, even if only as an example of how not to do something.

Here's a list of projects I have planned for this summer.
  1. Make a wide, curvy path from my patio to the garage door. Currently, the only walkway is right by the fence, and frankly I'm tired of being scared to death by the squirrels that hang out there. (the link is an old picture which does not depict the current state of my backyard, but it does show the current walkway.)
  2. Paint my two rain barrels and install them in the front garden. This is one of those projects that was supposed to be done last year. Not doing this probably cost me one of the azaleas I have planted in the side front garden. I have no spigot in the front.
  3. Move the peach tree, either to a different place in the backyard or completely off the property. I planted it too close to the house and I don't think it gets enough sun there. Plus, it's too big.
  4. Have the air conditioner unit moved down to where the peach tree is currently planted to make space to expand a portion of the patio for the barbecue grill.
  5. Stain the pergola.
It may not seem like a long list but I could agonize over that wide curvy path the entire summer! You know how I am.


  1. Please do not mention that you want to get rid of that peach tree to Jim. I beg of you! He wants one, we have no room for it. I'm trying to compromise by getting him mini citrus trees and olive trees that we can bring in in winter.

    Your plans sound great! Most importantly find time to enjoy your gardens and labors!

  2. Oh my, you have your work cut out for you :)

  3. It never sounds like a lot until you have to do it!

  4. that's a LOT to do! I'm tired just thinking about it. I guess my big projects are the restaurant garden and selling at the FP market oh yeah and keeping the Commi-G afloat. My own yard will be ignored!
