grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby Lemon Cucumber Alert!

2008_0727image0017 Behold, my first cucumber ever!  It's an Heirloom Lemon Cucumber that I direct sowed after the great folks over at Baker Creek Seeds sent me free seeds with my last order. 

The taste is supposed to be "sweet and mild".  I'm not really sure what that means in cucumber terms but I'm thinking about trying these in a tomato/cucumber/onion salad like my mom makes. 

The Lemon Cucumber gets it's name from its shape and color.  It's rounder and yellow, like a lemon.  It was introduced back in 1894.

Have you grown Lemon Cucumber before?  What's your favorite way to eat them?


  1. It's hard to imaging a cucumber being more mild!

    I haven't grown the lemon cucumber. I am trying the Armenian yardlong cucumber. The first one was bitter. I hope the next one is better. It's already about 2 feet long--and white!

    You've gotta love the variety of

    Robin Wedewer
    Gardening Examiner

  2. I've never grown it either, but also received the seeds free with my order from Baker Creek and the plants are going nuts! Did yours try to climb everything in their path, because these sure are. Mine are just starting to flower now, so you're a week or two ahead of me. I'm looking forward to hearing others tell their favorite ways to eat them!

  3. OHH OHHH!!!!! I was going to ask you if you had a baby cuke yet. The plants you gave me snapped back to life and they've got flowers right now so I'm hoping I'll have some lemon cukes too. Do they taste lemony or do they just look like lemons? Does anybody know, do cukes cross pollenate with each other? Like, if I'm growing Straight 8 about 15 feet away from the lemon cuke plants, will they breed with each other? or can I harvest these seeds and get more lemon cukes next year?

  4. I am growing mine for the first time after a failed attempt at English cucumber. My research said that it's important to pick them before they get to big and to a dark yellow or they won't taste as good.

  5. I've grown these for many years. One thing I like about them is...they produce later into the fall than my other cukes. The way we eat them is to cut a slice off each end, peel them rather thickly and then just eat out of hand with a little salt.
