grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Monday, June 2, 2008

Growing Challenge Update: Green Beans

There's been another bean sighting! You may remember that I planted the Bush Beans indoors way back in March (yikes - what was I thinking?) in the coconut fiber pellets but they grew way too fast and ended up transplanted to the composter. You can see and read all about the renegade beans here. It's ashamed that it took me until I was 40 years old to understand Jack and the Bean Stalk but I get it now.

So, round 2 started last week when I planted more bean seeds out in the raised beds. I basically just shoved the bean down about an inch into the soil with my finger. I'm still amazed that an entire plant comes from that one little bean. In the picture above, you can still see half of the bean where it split open to sprout. Isn't life amazing?

I also have Yellow Zucchini and Cucumber Lemon seeds planted for the Growing Challenge but they are not photo-worthy yet. Be sure to check out the other gardeners participating in the Growing Challenge and if you haven't planted your beans yet, get to work!

Stay tuned for an update on garbage can potatoes.


  1. Yeah, I need to get going on my Growing Challenge post, too. And I need to get a post up about it! I'm hedging my bets and trying THREE things from seed... mostly because two of them are a little on the ambitious side. lol.

    I can't WAIT to hear about the trashcan potatoes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this works well for you, because I SO want to do this next year!

  2. Aren't beans fun to grow? It's almost instant gratification. And there is nothing better tasting than beans fresh off the plant. Good going!

  3. Nice looking plant... garden fresh green beans are the best!

  4. I've got some baby bush beans going on in my raised beds too, although I'm not sure how to support them (do they need cages?) Any ideas anyone?
