grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bearded Iris

Irises make me think of my mother. She's always loved them. This image is what I had in mind when I rescued this old raggedy window from the trash last year. I also meant for it to be a trellis for the Sweet Autumn Clematis that you can see growing at the bottom of it but the SAC is not really cooperating.
These Iris were one of the few plantings that were here when we bought this house but they had become so crowded that they didn't look so great. So, following David's detailed instructions, I divided them last year and they look much happier! Thanks again, David!


  1. I really like that old window sash as a trellis. I'm going to look one, too.

    --Fellow trash-picker

  2. I hope you have more old windows, because once that Sweet Autumn Clematis gets going, it's going to swamp it. SAC can get to monster proportions. I wouldn't worry too much this year, though. Your old fashioned Iris look a lot like mine - I hope they have a sweet scent too.

  3. My mom loved irises of my daughters and I always have to say "Grandma would have loved that!" whenever we see irises or anything with irises on it.

  4. I'm going to have to look for a window as well- it would look great on the side of my shed. I'm planning a "Mom's Relaxing Spot" in that area; thanks for a great idea!
