The more I look at this picture, the more my house starts to look like a double-wide trailer on blocks. Now that the big ugly shrubs are gone, the space under the windows just looks plain awkward. I had planned to build a window box for the center window and although I'm sure that will help some, I don't think it will solve this problem. Anybody got any suggestions?
Thomas called me in the late afternoon after I'd had a chance to get home to take a look. I almost got the feeling he was calling to make sure I wasn't sitting in my front yard crying and regretting my decision to remove these shrubs. He also updated me on the patio situation in the backyard. I will spare you the details for now but after I spoke to him I was very glad that I hadn't decided to install the pavers myself.
Isn't this exciting?
Hi Gina, I think your little window would be cute with shutters on either side of it. That will go nicely with your window boxes when you get that done and it will balence out the big window and take away that lopsidedness that you might be feeling. IF you want to go for more of a cottage feel ( not sure what your vision is) you could go for a lighter trim color in the white range and let the flowers and shrubs be your color.
ReplyDeleteJust some random first thoughts from a realtor.
I like wendikelly's idea of shutters on the smaller windows. I envy you the new planting canvas. You will have such fun designing and planting new foundation plantings.
ReplyDeleteCarol, May Dreams Gardens
(Thanks for the "shout out")
Gina - a blank slate? We should all be so lucky! Don't get overwhelmed, it seems like you have a great contractor.
ReplyDeleteI'm DYING to see pictures of the patio. This is day 2 or 3 right? Almost done?
I'm so excited for you!
That is exciting, I like that you took the plunge and are starting completely from scratch. You have so more room to be creative now.
ReplyDeleteOkay, go ahead and blame me, Gina. You WILL thank me later.
ReplyDeleteNo need to worry about that space beneath your windows because the shrubs will grow that tall and hide the foundation. That's one of the uses of foundation plantings ya' know.
Can't wait to see the finished product . Good show !
wendi - that's exactly what I was planning to do! great minds...
ReplyDeletecarol - I hope you are right cuz I'm pretty nervous about it.
katie - it's actually now the end of day 2 and it's pretty much done. I think they'll probably come back to clean up (I hope) and that'll be it.
crafty - i'm excited AND nervous!
carolyn - being from the south like me, can you see the resemblence to a double wide??
Hiya, Gina! I'm collecting links for the GGW Design Workshop wrapup and just noticed that the second and third pictures in your post aren't showing up. Could you check on that when you have a minute? I'd love to see the "after" effect!
ReplyDeleteOops - never mind, Gina; *now* they're showing up. Sorry about that!