grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dwarf Zebra Grass in the Snow

According to the time stamps on my most recent photos, I haven't had my camera out since late August when I took pictures at the tomato contest. Wow. Over four months have slipped by me.

My motivation today came while I was catching up with some of my favorite garden blogs. Over at Gardening Gone Wild, they're hosting a monthly photo contest called Picture This, just for us bloggers.

I sure wish I'd taken some photos a few weeks ago when all the trees were covered and glistening with ice. It was really beautiful. Still, I found this Dwarf Zebra Grass looked kind of cool against the snowy backdrop today.


  1. Don't be overwhelmed by missed photo opportunities. Seize the ones in front of you!

    Pretty shot!

  2. Nice photo Gina! Kudos for getting out there in the cold for photos. . . brrr!!!!

  3. Those seed pods are really nice.

    See what I did there?

  4. It does look cool. That Cherokee Purple tomato photo, though... mmm. That's my favorite tomato there, and probably one of the prettiest shots of it I've ever seen :)

  5. I love seeing photos of gardens in colder climates. Having mild winters is nice, but it also means that the difference between Fall and Spring aren't that noticeable. Sometimes it seems like time here is such a blur.

  6. Very nice...4 months without your camera? Oh, heck no!

  7. Four months?! I'm lucky if I go four hours. . .

    Your zebra grass is lovely in the snow.

  8. Well done, Gina! Good luck! Jack

  9. Unusual shot - grass against snow. Most of the time it's grass against sand dunes:) Just goes to prove there's a grass for every season -lol. Good luck with the contest!

  10. I love the texture and contrast.
