grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Flawless Brandywine Takes The Bronze At Garden Olympics


Until the Garden Olympics, I thought I was just biased in my adoration for this beautiful tomato.  Well now it's an award winner!  Mary Ann over at Idaho Garden hosted the first ever Garden Olympics and my tomato was one of the bronze medallists!  Thanks again, IG!

Here are some FAQ's about my bronze medallist:

  1. How do we know you didn't pick the tomato and allow it to ripen in the window, reducing the chance of cracking and other badness?  You don't!  But, hey, I'm an honorable woman so you should just take my word for it.  As soon as I picked this tomato I ran in the house to show it to my boyfriend who was unimpressed, as usual.  
  2. What's so special about a flawless tomato?  I buy them all the time at the grocery. Umm have you ever tried to grow tomatoes?  They taste way better than grocery store ones but they tend to be kinda ugly (cracks, holes, animal bites) and it is especially hard to grow pretty heirloom ones because they have not been genetically engineered to resist diseases like the hybrids have. 
  3. How did the tomato taste?  No clue.  It's sitting in my kitchen window on display, still.  In fact I may have waited too late to even eat it.  Sad, I know. 
  4. How can I grow flawless rock star tomatoes like this?  Get yourself an heirloom Brandywine tomato plant or buy some seeds (next year, it's too late in the season now), plant it, stake it, water it, ignore it, pray.
  5. How many tomatoes were in the competition that this tomato won? Just mine, I think.  Hey, don't judge me!  It's still a bronze medallist!  Show some respect!
  6. Where'd you get the plant that this tomato came from?  From our local chain grocery Jewel.  They had a few heirloom varieties this year and I bought 3.  The other two were Sausage Tomato and Black Krim.  Neither as pretty as the Brandywine.

I know, I've really exploited this poor tomato and I'm vowing here before you and the e-Gods not to write any more posts about it.   Sorry, I don't have kids so I brag on my tomatoes, instead. 


  1. That is a beautiful tomato, one to be proud of. It's not easy to grow "pretty" heirloom tomatoes, so I do hope you didn't wait too long to eat it, because until you eat it you can't really appreciate it completely.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  2. Brandywines are sooooo yummy. This one is gorgeous! I'm in Southern CA so I'm actually going to attempt growing some now. Wish me luck.

  3. carol - i ate it on a tomato sandwich and it might have been the best tomato I've ever tasted.

    ajk - thanks for stopping by. good luck with your tomatoes and please let me know how they turn out for you.

  4. Congratulations on the bronze, Gina - it looks great, but what amazed me was that Jewel was selling Brandywine and Black Krim tomato plants - glad you found yours!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  5. My Brandywines are not remotely as pretty. They split and cat-face and have green shoulders. But they made good sauce.

    Congrats on the "Olympic medal!"
