grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July Muse Day: The Darkness Of Gardening

There's no shortage of gardeners
waxing poetic about the magic of gardening
but I'm here to tell you
gardening has nearly ruined my life.

Till I started gardening
I was content with my career
Now, I walk through those doors
each morning
wondering how much of my soul they'll steal
before quittin time

Why's this happening to me

Has gardening opened some poltergeist door
into my artistic side
I've been sucked in

Or is it a simple case of narcissism
I love to garden
therefore I must bitch
and complain
and quit my job
so I can garden, more


  1. You just didn't know what you were missing! I remember those days when I had a paying job. Rushing home to work in the garden til it got dark, then eating dinner. Just hang in there til Winter. Then the job won't seem as confining.

  2. That was raw and real. I can feel your frustration and been there. Nearly makes you want to jump out of your skin doesn't it? I hope you find your way.

  3. Gardening has ruined your life, Gina? I dare to say that it has enhanced your life in an artistic way.

    Yes, gardening has opening that "poltergeist " door and you were sucked in. That's a good thang.

    Don't quit your day job just yet. I think you've got a "tough row to hoe " before you reach your journey :)

    Thanks for letting us know what you REALLT think : )
