grow, marvel, eat, laugh, persevere

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I'm a Winner - AGAIN!

I won my football pool again last week! Here are my options:

Big Pot - they should be on sale now, right?

Dirt - I suppose I need to cover the new beds in the front that now just have leaves and newspaper.

Start a patio fund - I'd like to get a patio done at the earliest possible time next spring so maybe I should start saving now?

On the subject of neighbors:
I noticed that, this time when my neighbors on either side raked their leaves, they piled them at the side of their property line closest to mine. I think they are doing this so I can use them for my garden since they saw me out there vacuuming them up last weekend. Isn't that nice!! So, I'm off to take advantage of them. Is 8:45 too early for the loud leaf blower?

On the subject of seeds:
I'm participating in the Garden Bloggers Seed Trade that Colleen organized (see link on my blog) and I'm making my 3rd trade this week! I'm pretty excited about this! I really can't wait till next spring. I think I'm going to turn my basement into a greenhouse (or whatever it's called) so that I can start some seeds indoors. Coupled with the Winter Sowing I plan to try, I should be off to a great start on plants next spring, huh?


  1. No power tools until after 9:00am on the weekends! NO EXCUSES!

  2. How about some dirt? I'd go for the dirt ... I think it's great that you are participating in the seed exchange. I love starting seeds in spring!

  3. Lucky Lady. I would save until you feel in your bones you have a purchase that must be made. Like next spring when those nurseries are full of goregeous to die for plants you will have to have. Actually I wouldn't save it but I would think the correct toughts. It is so easy to tell someone what they should do. :) Have fun.

  4. I'll second the vote for the patio fund. Mr. Marion in Savannah and I have spent countless hours sitting outside watching the birds at the feeders, having a cold drink, or just sitting and "being." We wouldn't part with our patio table and chairs for anything -- guests always find their way out there too!

  5. I love your enthusiasm! I think you've talked ME into starting plants indoors early this Spring! ;-)

  6. Congrats, Gina. You NEED dirt. Think Dirt. Patio later.

    I got a question on your kitchen garden photo with the two raised planters, grass in between and then a rectangular area of dirt. I think it would make more sense if you were to remove the grass and make that whole area around the planter boxes a nice looking vegetable garden lined with brick paths to separate 3 or 4 areas
    ( like a cottage style garden ). Just a suggestion !

  7. I think the dirt is the best idea now. Otherwise you'll be really upset when the wind blows away all your hard work. You can still start putting a little away for the patio too. I'm sure you'll love starting your seeds - it's very rewarding. I'm looking forward to trying the winter sowing - it sounds so easy and makes a lot of sense. Had to laugh about your finger nails - I've never been able to grow them and since I love playing the piano long nails wouldn't work out for me. Guess you'd say I had "boy's hands". And yes, just drug yourself up with xanax and take that trip! Also, no loud lawn equipment until 9:00 - kind of an unwritten agreement between neighbors. I love your enthusiasm!!

  8. You'll all be glad to know that, by the time I fired up the leaf blower, it was 9:18. thanks, I wondered what the power tool time was.

    it looks like the dirts have it. i think i'll make some calls today to see about getting some delivered ASAP. thank you all for your suggestions.

    shady gardener - thanks for stopping by and good luck with your seed starting! check out for a fun easy way to start seeds - i'll be trying it for the first time next year.
